ESMA: how to assess the financial knowledge of clients in compliance?

Long relegated to the CSR policies of asset management companies, financial education has become a major issue since MiFID II. From now on, it is mandatory to scrupulously evaluate the financial knowledge of investors before selling them financial products. Is it possible to use self-assessment to achieve this? What should this knowledge test look like to be compliant? Discover the recommendations of ESMA, the European Securities and Markets Authority.

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Financial products: if Europeans don’t invest, it’s because they don’t know anything about them!

In light of the new MiFID II directive, which has made it mandatory to assess the financial knowledge of individual investors via a knowledge test, rather than via self-assessment. Thus, to comply with the regulations, many financial institutions find themselves unable to sell certain products. So how can we improve the financial education of savers?

Continue ReadingFinancial products: if Europeans don’t invest, it’s because they don’t know anything about them!