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Financial literacy and gamification
According to an OECD study, the financial literacy of Europeans remains very low, preventing them from making informed financial decisions. This lack of financial education seems to have more to do with the absence of training tools aligned with the expectations of new generations than with a lack of interest in the subject. In this white paper, we explore the relevance of gamification in improving financial learning.

MiFID II and financial knowledge assessment: Why is financial education a necessity?
Historically, financial education has been more a part of asset management companies' CSR policies than their commercial policies. However, this trend began to reverse in 2018 with the advent of MiFID II (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive). Among other things, this new directive has made it compulsory to assess financial knowledge of retail investors via a knowledge test, rather than via self-assessment as was the case under the first version of MiFID, introduced in 2007.

Sustainable investments: what are the expectations of private investors?
Investors are now looking for a positive impact on society, both in their day-to-day purchases and in their investments. and in their investments. This growing awareness is reflected in an increasing appetite for sustainable finance. The purpose of this white paper is to present the results of an unprecedented survey survey of a broad international sample of retail investors on their expectations on their expectations in terms of sustainable finance.

How can neuroscience help improve financial literacy?
In an uncertain social and environmental context, investing to protect against the hazards of the future is becoming a necessity for all European savers. However, they are still very conservative and distrustful of a financial world whose mechanisms they do not fully understand. Faced with this social challenge, this white paper summarises what neuroscience research can contribute to the democratisation of financial education.