MiFID II: how to ensure compliance without impacting customer experience?

Customer experience is a growth driver that’s becoming increasingly crucial in all businesses. Beyond the quality of service and products, it provides a favourable and unified experience from one end of the interaction between a customer and a company. The challenge is considerable in financial products, where compliance with regulations requires potential future investors to fill out lengthy questionnaires, particularly given the MiFID II regulation and the deadline of 2 August 2022. So, what processes should be put in place to ensure compliance while guaranteeing the best possible customer experience?

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Response to EIOPA consultation on draft guidelines on the integration of the customer’s sustainability in the suitability assessment under the insurance distribution directive  

Following the open hearing of the EIOPA about the draft guidelines on the integration of the customer's sustainability assessment we attended, we took the chance to respond to the EIOPA's…

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What does ESG mean?

Environmental, Social And Corporate Governance (ESG) is an evaluation of an organization’s shared conscientiousness for social and environmental factors. The following is a brief description of each factor. Environmental Environment…

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