Savers’ reluctance and regulatory complexity: how to find new sources of bank profitability?

In addition to the crisis that exacerbates the reluctance of savers, financial regulations make investing even more complex. But what if the problem is the solution? Discover how to take advantage of regulations to boost ESG product sales and find new sources of profitability in this article!

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ESG: how does regulation shape socially responsible investment?

The growth of SRI, or socially responsible investment, is closely linked to European regulations, which are gradually shaping its contours. The MiFID2 law and the obligation to collect investors' ESG preferences in the suitability questionnaire are the latest stones in a building still under construction. Here is a look at the key regulatory steps in terms of SRI.

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What does ESG mean?

Environmental, Social And Corporate Governance (ESG) is an evaluation of an organization’s shared conscientiousness for social and environmental factors. The following is a brief description of each factor. Environmental Environment…

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Are you ready to include ESG preferences in the MiFIDII questionnaire?

From August 2, 2022, investment companies will have to assess the possible sustainability preferences of investors. This assessment will have to be done within the framework of the suitability test, to be able to offer investors investments that correspond to their expectations. To be compliant, the system to be put in place must meet certain requirements. Are you ready to integrate ESG preferences in the MiFID II questionnaire? Take stock before the deadline!

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