Neuroprofiler uses behavioral finance and gamification to help financial institutions assess the investment preferences of individuals and recommend products in line with their expectations.
Neuroprofiler’s modules
Neuroprofiler’s offer is InvestProfiler. A product which assess the client’s MiFIDII profile (financial situation, financial knowledge…), the client’s risk appetite and ESG preferences.
In addition, the EduProfiler enables clients to be trained in complex products, in line with MiFIDII requirements.
Behavioral finance for more compliance
The Neuroprofiler solution has a predictability rate of 80% for the RISKprofiler and 95% for the ESGprofiler, compared to 10% for traditional profiling.
ESMA also strongly recommends the use of behavioral finance in its 2018 guidelines:
2017-esma35-43-748_-_cp_on_draft_guidelines_on_suitability.pdf (
The Neuroprofiler pathway thus allows institutions to protect themselves from potential customer complaints or fines from financial regulators.
The integration of the ESG dimension
Neuroprofiler offers InvestProfiler that fully complies with the new IDD and MiFIDII requirements on the subject. We update our tool as this complex regulation evolves and we support our clients in linking MiFIDII scoring to their ESG products.
Levers to boost your sales
Using behavioral finance to capture more risk-averse profiles
Our pilots with financial institutions have shown that the use of behavioral finance allows us to capture more risk-averse profiles (20% to 40% increase in “very dynamic” profiles)
EduProfiler, a financial education module to boost your sales
Our EduProfiler allows you to educate your clients in a fun way so that you can offer them more complex UCs (derivatives, structured products, etc.) in line with their risk appetite.
Gamification to make your customers want to invest
During marketing campaigns, our solutions were made available to prospects on social networks. The prospects were invited to take our questionnaires to get to know each other better. At the end of the process, they were redirected to advisors to invest.
On this type of campaign, we had a completion rate of 65% and a conversion rate (prospects call an advisor and invest) of 10%.
80% of customers prefer our questionnaire to internal or competing questionnaires.
Operational gains through gamification
Neuroprofiler makes the consultant save time
Thanks to the adaptive and playful nature of our questionnaire, clients can complete it independently.
On average, for our private banking clients, this represents a saving of 30 minutes to 2 hours per client per consultant.
Neuroprofiler makes the client save time
Thanks to its adaptive nature, the Neuroprofiler questionnaire is on average 30% shorter than a traditional private banking questionnaire.
Neuroprofiler eliminates manual data entry
Thanks to its API model, Neuroprofiler can be fully integrated into your IT systems to eliminate manual entry.
Neuroprofiler offers a very flexible approach
- We can start deploying our solution inexpensively via a web app, without any IT integration on your side, and then use our API for full integration.
- Our solution is 100% customizable to your current needs and calculation method. All of our modules can be integrated together or independently.